24 July 2011

Norway and Faith

It is a sad day for Norway, and indeed, humanity. I've been trying to think about this, without getting myself too down. I have been trying to make sense of what this means. Obviously, I can't.
The only thought I keep coming back to is that this puts us ALL on equal footing. There is no country, no community that is free from the possibility of bad things happening. Widely considered one of the safest countries, Norway also experiences extreme tragedy. Hate is powerful, and exists in every corner of our world. While this is an extremely depressing thing to realise, I also find a hope within this. We are all the same. We are all capable of extreme evil and destruction--from Al Qaeda to the Columbine shooters to this man, to me and you. But so many people get through day to day life as upstanding citizens, overcoming this extreme capacity for destruction. So many people strive to be better. And while it is sad to see someone fall through the cracks and succumb to the dark corners of their minds, these moments remind me that we have something to be thankful for--that the majority of the world goes on day to day without a shooting, or a rape, or harming another. I don't think that this is the time to be thankful, of course. That would, and does negate the feelings of those in mourning for the tragedy that has taken place. But I do hope that once some of the shock wears off, that we can realise that humanity hasn't completely gone to shit. We have shitty moments. We have aweful tragedy. But in each of these, there is someone showing the strength and courage to stand up and do the hard thing, the non-intuitive thing. In each of these, there are those who choose to love. We are broken, and beautiful.
Humanity is still something to have faith in.

For further reading, I really appreciated these:

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