23 March 2011

This is a First Post and FAQ Section

So um.
I don't know how to do this whole first actual post thingy.
Plus, blog posting is getting in the way of my Neopets (which I play with the most awesome Neofriend ever, imabitechoo), so maybe I'll just go back to that.
No! I must power through!
Hmm. Maybe here is a good place to introduce myself, and explain my blog's mission statement (baha) or something.

Alright, let’s go (via Biebs):
I'm a social development studies major, peace and conflict studies minor at the University of Waterloo (whom I also work for, part time). I call the colleges my home, and love the small, community atmosphere.
While the colleges are church affiliated, I am not. Well, I am, but also not. I'm a baptized member of my home congregation, but an open atheist/agnostic/post-Christian. (My term for having gone from borderline evangelical to skeptical... we'll explore this as we go.)
I'm recently out to some as bi-sexual, and would love to spend my life fighting for gay rights. Not for my sake, but for everyone else's.
I love my family, though we've had our issues, which I'm sure at some point we'll get into.
I'm intent upon one day saving the world. Or something. One day I might decide that’s really naive, but I haven’t given up yet.

So, now we’re entering the FAQ section. Except I’ve had no FAQs so I’m actually going to make up some questions and then answer them for you. You’re welcome.

Q. Why did you title your blog “Praise Where Praise is Due”?
A. Because it seemed vague enough to allow me to talk about all the things that may be on my mind. I do envision this blog being somewhat a part of my faith journey, so I like the implications of the term ‘praise’ in terms of that. I want to explore if praise is due to this God guy. I also think it will allow every day complaints or positive acclamations from daily life. Plus, its part of a lyric from the song The Fox, The Crow, and the Cookie by mewithoutYou, a band that helps me figure out where I stand with my faith or whatever. It was introduced to me by a sketchtard in a cardigan, who also so happens to be the object of my unending and passionate love (this may or may not be related to the introduction to the above-mentioned band). ...Guess who was in the room when I wrote this paragraph.....

Q. Why does your blog text look stupid?
A. Because the wifi died halfway through writing this post and I had to transfer it to Microsoft Word, which forever has a vicious vendetta against me. (Update: I think I fixed it.)

Q. You’ve mentioned Neopets a few times. What’s your favourite game?
A. Uhh. That’s a tough question. Probably either Pyramids or Destruct-O-Match. Its a toss-up.

Q. Are you going to get struck down by God for making this blog?
A. I wonder on a daily basis if God is going to strike me down. He hasn’t yet. Although, I think snow might be my punishment.

Q. What's your favourite colour?
A. Pink. Though I also really love Green, Purple, and Yellow.

Q. You mentioned your cell phone in your first post, and always seem to have it with you. Why is this?
A. Her name is Milicent. I'm kind of convinced her and I are in a relationship. We fight. We bicker. We both have attitudes, and bad days, which often clash. But at the end of the day, we love each other, and I wake up to her voice every morning.

Q. What exactly are you going to talk about on this blog?
A. I imagine I will at points discuss every day life, frustrations and celebrations from school and/or work, exciting news, etc. In addition, I'd like to use this place to explore my faith, as I do this better through writing. This will appear in many forms. I may show my poetry here, if I'm ever comfortable showing it. I will discuss family life, queer issues, and probably joke around about random things that come across my mind, or write articles just for fun, once I'm done serving on the school paper and no longer have an outlet. :)
Please note, that because this is a place of exploration for me, I may have times where I am unsure of, or change, my opinion. People do that from time to time. ;)

Q. Are you a hipster? You sound like a hipster.
A. Well, it is common knowledge that the first requirement for being a hipster is not recognizing that one is a hipster. So, if I were to say yes, then, no, I would not be a hipster. I cannot be a hipster if I recognize my hipster-like tendencies, no matter how much I pretend to love the lifestyle.

Feel free to post more questions in the comments. I'll definitely answer them.

Alright. Enough shenanigans for now. I haven't done homework all week.

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