28 March 2011

Nachos and Cheese are from God.

I just want to start by saying that Jager and Ginger Ale along with whole grain nachos covered in old cheddar is definitely a solution to a lot of life's problems. What a nice evening. What a nice buzz. If there is a loving God, these must be some of his gifts. Please don't proofread this post... my typing abilities are going.... shoot.
Now that that's settled, I have a few stories.
First, a light-hearted story from my mother. She called me the other night when I was halfway through my first beer after having taken a few shots (so my mind was going a bit funny, and I was getting giggly, and also paranoid like I often do) and was telling me about her plans for the next day. She mentioned she was going to get a pregnancy test done. As 21-year old who has just heard this from her mother would, I freaked out. Not cool. Once she explained that it is standard procedure and there's nothing to worry about, I calmed down a little. Later (because I study sexuality and talk about these things often) I asked why she wasn't on birth control. Her answer: "I don't think God would do that to me." .....Good answer, mom. But I'm not sure you can bet on that. God gave a baby to a 70-year old recently, for kicks. I'm pretty sure people who have lost loved ones (including me, before losing dad) have said or thought "I don't think God would do that to me" at some point or another. It was kind of a funny conversation. Anyway, if I'm complaining anytime soon that I've got a 10th sibling on the way, we all know why-- and at that point, shoot me? I don't need a baby sibling, thanks.

In other news, I'd like to share the story of the conversation that I heard recently in the cafeteria at school:
I was sitting on the other side of the caf, and I heard someone start discussing whether or not dinosaurs and people lived together. They were claiming that the Bible says they did, so it must be true. As someone who studies both dinosaurs and the Bible just to make my level of conversational value higher, I was shocked at this claim. He continued, of course, arguing that the Bible is infallible, and cited a verse in Job about a "behemoth," claiming this creature was a dinosaur as his proof. He also stated that the guy who discovered carbon dating "made it up" and other scientists go along with it because "all scientists are evolutionists" and are pushing their evolutionists fairy tales. Lets ignore how wrong this is (there are a lot of different dating techniques, and that's not how science works), and continue a few minutes into the future of the story. As he was talking, other people at the table were offering questions and skepticsm. These were pretty radical ideas to be presenting, and he really had no proof for any of the claims, and instead was preaching at them, without letting them get much in edge-wise (from my viewpoint). But, they remained skeptical, save for one or two people who seemed to agree with him. After the conversation died down, the guy in question, and one of the people agreeing with him walked past where I was sitting. I heard the following, which is the aggravating part of this story:
Preaching Guy: "See? This is why I don't normally get into these conversations. Those people already have their minds so made up about what they believe."
Needless to say, I was disgusted. He wouldn't let them get a word in-- he wouldn't let them correct his blatently false claims, or come at the situation from viewpoints different from his. He then claimed that they had their minds made up, when he was probably more guilty of such. I wanted to kick his ass, cry, or yell. Instead, I'm blogging about it, and trying to pay close attention. Where are the situations in my life when I am this blatently wrong and/or hypocritical. I hope that I may get called out on them. I hope some day someone tells this guy all about the cool things science can do, whether or not God created the way the world works. Because I think the discoveries we have made, are way cooler than what we would know if we stuck strictly to the experiences laid out for us in just one book.

UPDATE: I just heard the word behemoth used to describe a duck's penis. I think that's my new definition of the word.

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